Saturday, June 26, 2010

Promotional Campaign Final Report

1. Audience:

The BGSU students and the BG and surrounding communities are the targeted audience in the South Side 6 Facebook fan page. This page serves to introduce and recruit potential customers and fans of the variety of Lebanese and Greek food South Side 6 has to offer. Also, this fan page keeps current customers “digitally connected” to their favorite store.

2. Goals of the campaign:
  • Provide a complete set of brief necessary information (store hours, menu, address, phone number, etc…)
  • Keep fans informed of the daily specials.
  • Establish a presence for the store on social media.
  • Promote the store, by the means web 2.0 marketing technologies, as a destination for authentic eaters.

3. Initial Design technologies:

  • Facebook Fan Page
  • Twitter – Under my name given that I am the representative of the store.
  • Blog – The place where I posted weekly update reports from Facebook along with answering questions for the course.

4. Success Measurement:

  • The success of the competition I launched in which I encouraged customers to post comments about what they think is the best on the menu.
  • Number of Fans and their increase weekly
  • Number of comments
  • Number of visits (provided weekly by Facebook)
  • Comparison of weekly reports (provided by Facebook)

In my opinion, the campaign was a very good success story that will need continuous attention given what we have read about the fast pace social media marketing process. This campaign would have been successful in a work environment if it was given the proper amount of attention and man hour resources.

Lessons learned from this campaign that would be helpful for next class:

  • Social media is a very powerful marketing portal that could promote your business significantly.
  • Social media does not fix a business that is failing.
  • Social media for businesses need continuous attention and a constant changing fresh content.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Improvement on the Facebook Fan page

Statistically speaking, this week is better than last week regarding activity on my promotional campaign Facebook fan page. Below is the weekly report from Facebook, numbers show improvement.

Hi Bashir,
Here is this week's summary for the Facebook Page: South Side6
+20 Fans this week (86 total Fans)
9 Wall Posts,Comments, and Likes this week (7 last week)
153 visits to your page this week(125 visits last week)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Progress on the Facebook Fans Page

This week report is very encouraging. I have been out in other Facebook pages recruiting fans. Overall, I am happy with the results.

Hi Bashir,
Here is this week's summary for the Facebook Page:
South Side 6+22 Fans this week (66 total Fans)
7 Wall Posts, Comments, and Likes this week (10 last week)
125 visits to your page this week(261 visits last week)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More Fans for your Facebook page

I went to the Bowling Green City and Bowling Green Dowtown pages on Facebook and posted a link to my Facebook page. By the end of the day, my page fans number went up by 10.

Although it is hard to be 100% sure that those new 10 fans are from the two pages mentioned above, I am willing to bet that at least half of them were.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

This Blog!!

It is remarkable how this blogging website served in communicating information and ideas back and forth between the participants of this class. I think the functionality here is pretty obvious and what the blog can do for you as far as communication is clearly outstanding.

Editing the overall look and feel of the blog is easy, quick and efficient. Also, the fact that it connects every post you make to the RSS of the people who are following you is an example of the powerful outreach blogs could potentially grant users and businesses.

I like blogging…blogging is fun. I wish more and more classes could be delivered using a similar approach.


Can anyone help me out?

I joined and created a page for this class but, I cannot write anything in there!

page name: MBA6800


Google reader offer tremendous amount of options. Personally, I like two features the most:

1. The fact that I went to each one of my fellow classmates’ blogs and followed his/her blog makes all of their posts show up in my RSS. I do not need to visit every blog; I can just click on a person’s name in the left side menu under subscriptions and see all of their posts.

2. RSS is connected to my Gmail. Based on the nature of the emails I receive, I have list of recommended items in the left menu in RSS. Although I don’t see myself checking all of them, I tried couple of the recommended site or blogs and they were really of interest.

Overall, my experience was great. I see an educational purpose in RSS if utilized properly.