Saturday, June 26, 2010

Promotional Campaign Final Report

1. Audience:

The BGSU students and the BG and surrounding communities are the targeted audience in the South Side 6 Facebook fan page. This page serves to introduce and recruit potential customers and fans of the variety of Lebanese and Greek food South Side 6 has to offer. Also, this fan page keeps current customers “digitally connected” to their favorite store.

2. Goals of the campaign:
  • Provide a complete set of brief necessary information (store hours, menu, address, phone number, etc…)
  • Keep fans informed of the daily specials.
  • Establish a presence for the store on social media.
  • Promote the store, by the means web 2.0 marketing technologies, as a destination for authentic eaters.

3. Initial Design technologies:

  • Facebook Fan Page
  • Twitter – Under my name given that I am the representative of the store.
  • Blog – The place where I posted weekly update reports from Facebook along with answering questions for the course.

4. Success Measurement:

  • The success of the competition I launched in which I encouraged customers to post comments about what they think is the best on the menu.
  • Number of Fans and their increase weekly
  • Number of comments
  • Number of visits (provided weekly by Facebook)
  • Comparison of weekly reports (provided by Facebook)

In my opinion, the campaign was a very good success story that will need continuous attention given what we have read about the fast pace social media marketing process. This campaign would have been successful in a work environment if it was given the proper amount of attention and man hour resources.

Lessons learned from this campaign that would be helpful for next class:

  • Social media is a very powerful marketing portal that could promote your business significantly.
  • Social media does not fix a business that is failing.
  • Social media for businesses need continuous attention and a constant changing fresh content.

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